Monday, June 8, 2009

Nothing new to report

I decided to take it easy the past week after my WSOP debacle. Hell, I had basically blown my entire bankroll on the 1K tourney and the Venetian satellite. Something that you should never do, but it was about the only shot I had at entering a WSOP event this year and I just decided to say screw it. I'll just have to start grinding and build it back up.

I started that when I went down to the Venetian on Friday and bought in for $200. I played for about 4hrs and ended up cashing out at $500. So I am back on my way to building up my bankroll. I think I will just stick to playing down at the Venetian for the time being. I just seem to be so damn unlucky at Red Rock and I like the poker room at the Venetian anyway. There wasn't much to speak of at the Venetian on Friday but I'll go through a couple of hands that were somewhat interesting.

After sitting down in my least favorite seat, #3, I fold until it comes around to me in the BB. UTG + 1 raises it to $12. You know, the customary 6x the BB bet out of position. Surprisingly no one calls which is odd because about the only time you don't get at least one caller in $1-$2 at the Venetian is when you go all in. It folds to me and I look down at 2c 3c. I decide to get frisky as I like playing suited connectors. If I hit it, I'll probably felt the guy and if I don't, it cost me 10 and I can fold it. I forget exactly what the flop was but I know there was a K and a 3 with 2 hearts. I check and the orignial better thinks for a bit and bets out $20. I honestly think he has missed here. I put him on A Q or something like that just by his body language. I just call. The turn is the 2h. I decide to try and trap him here and check, thinking my 2 pair is probably good. He bets out $50. I think for a bit as the heart doesn't scare him at all here. This has me thinking that maybe he was betting out the heart draw and got there. Can I fold my 2 pair here? If I just call then I'm stuck with a little over $100. I really don't like playing that short at $1-2 so I decide to just push it all in and move all in for my last $120. He snap calls which makes me think that he hit his flush. Nope. He just has A K. Of course he starts in on me about how I could call the pre flop raise and the post flop bet with 2c 3c. I don't say anything and rake in the pot as the river bricks for him. I really wanted to say, "how could you snap call the re-raise when the heart hit? I check called the flop with 2 hearts on the board. You didn't even consider I had a flush did you?" But I just raked it in and stacked my chips.

I just limped around for most of the day, taking in a couple of pots here and there and bluffing out this young kid of a couple of pots. Its amazing how some of these kids play. You can tell so easily that they are weak or have a weak kicker because they will not push all their chips into the middle. So I bought several pots off of him doing just that.

Then this guy sits down with the worst breath I have ever had the displeasure of sitting next to at the poker table. And of course the guy wants to get chatty with everyone on his end of the table. Now I don't want to be rude, but damn, its god awful. It smells like he shit in his mouth!! After about an hour, I can't take it anymore and pull out my tin of Altoids and tell him to grab a handful. He was taken back by that and was a little upset. I say, "I'm sorry, but your breath smells like shit and I really can't take it anymore." I know, I was an asshole, but damn. I didn't want to leave my table, so something had to be done. He was really upset and got up and left. The rest of the table just laughed at the situation.

There was an older guy in seat 7 who was just being a bully. He picked up a couple of pots but was basically just barrell betting every pot. If he raised pre-flop, you can bet everything that he was going to continue on every street. So I was just waiting for the right situation and the right one came along about an hour before I was going to leave.

after a couple of limpers, he makes it $20 to go and true to fashion, 3 people call and action comes to me in the SB. I look down at K J and decide to join the fun. All in all there are 6 of us pre-flop. Only playing $1-2 do you get 6 people to call $20 pre-flop. The flop comes J 8 4. I think I'm good here, at least against the older guy. I check and so does the BB and the older guy barrell bets $40. Actually pretty low considering there is $120 in the pot. And true to form, everyone folds. Got to love $1-2. It comes to me and I decide to just call. Never know, maybe the guy actually woke up with a hand and has AA or QQ or something like that. The turn is a K. Now I have top 2 pair. But the K does concern me a little. In the back of my mind I was starting to maybe put him on an over pair, and if he had KK, then I'm drawing dead right here. I check and true to form he pushes out $70. $70 into a $200 pot? I'm getting 3 to 1 and something just doesn't sit right. I am pretty sure that I am good because I just don't get the sense that he is strong. The river is a 10. Now this card actually does scare me a little. Because if he was just continuing his bet with A Q then that means he got there. I mean, because what could he think I have that I would check call him all the way to the river? So I check, not sure what I am going to do here. He puts out $100 into the pot rather quickly. I really want to just jam everything I have into the pot, but something in the back of my mind says just call and save the rest of your chips. There is already $340 in the pot and add in his $100 that brings it to $440. I only have $220 at the moment and If I just call and am wrong, then I have $100 to work with. With the K and 10 coming on the turn and River, it just gives this guy so many outs because maybe he was playing KK or 10 10 or he really was betting with A Q the whole time. I just call and he picks up his cards and just holds them. This is the shit I can't stand. If you are called and you don't intend to muck immediately, SHOW YOUR DAMN HAND. I guess I'm one of the only players out here, who really doesn't care that people see my hands. So many people refuse to show their hands when they are all in with cards to come. If I honestly believe I'm ahead, I turn them over ASAP to show everyone I'm ahead. I play so many different hands that I don't care. I don't think that anyone gets a read on my by showing my cards. Back to the hand--- he just sits there and I say, "I guess you have shit so I'll show my cards and you can just muck yours. " I turn over K J and start to pull back my $100. The dealer says to wait and I say, "he is mucking. he has nothing or he would have already turned his cards over." The guy just sits there holding his cards and eventually mucks them.

WTF?? why do people do that? Do they honestly think that the longer you look at them, the greater the possibility will be that they will change? I love it when they finally do muck and then say I had AA and you cracked them. Bullshit. If you had your AA cracked, you would show it. Your full of shit and you know it. If I get a bad beat, I show my cards. I want everyone to know I had the best hand until the river. Lets people know that I'm not playing shit cards and that maybe next time, they'll stay the hell out of my pot.

After that hand, my chip stack is just over $550. I decide that the $500 is coming home with me and limp around with the $50 hoping to pick up a couple of pots here or there. Nothing really happens and I leave after I get J 2 UTG and cash out for $540. It was a good day and hopefully will lead to more in the coming weeks. I really want to play another WSOP event before the end of the month.

As it stands right now, the only thing I have going is the possibility of winning my way into the Main Event. I'm playing a tournament on Full Tilt on the 21st where 150 seats are being awarded to the top 150. I won an entry into the tourney way back in April in an $8 satellite. Wouldn't it be great if I won my Main Event seat for $8? Hell, I'm basically free rolling the main event. As it stands right now, there are 480 people registered for the $500 tourney. I'm sure that in 13 days, that number will be close to at least 3,000. You can't get better odds than that. You don't have to win it, don't have to finish in the top 3 or even final table it. Just finish in the top 150. Hopefully I can manage the field and get threw and have a miracle suckout or 2 and make the final 150. That would be amazing to be able to play the Main Event for $8!!

I know this has dragged out so I'll let my only reader go for now. Thanks RB for reading my blog. Hopefully I'll manage a cash or two down the road and we can get some more people reading it. Tell the gang at Dave's I said hi and check in the dark for me one time!!

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