Saturday, August 29, 2009

retiring from the Red Rock poker room

Thats it. I'm officially over Red Rock. I have never played in a poker room that is full of so many "local professionals" that are just plain awful poker players. The kind of players that call half their stacks with a lower pocket pair than any card on the board and hitting their miracle card on the river and not even betting it. I'll explain the 2 hands that I had the priveledge of playing this morning as part of their 10am tourney. Today was the nail in the coffin. I will no longer play there as I just can't take the LACK OF POKER SKILL that is in the room. I would rather quit playing poker than ever play there again.

We start with $7500 in chips with 30 minute blinds. Today we had 40 players to start which is the max. The payouts would be over 2k for first. not bad for a 4-5hr tourney. The blinds start at 25-50. Now I know I should have known the day wasn't going to start good because we didn't even get dealt our first hand until over 4 mins had already ticked off the clock before our dealer finally distributed all of the chips and washed the decks. You know, the kinds of things you normally do as all 10 damn players are just sitting there waiting for the tourney to begin. Note to the tournament director, why not have the dealers in the box before 5 seconds that you start the tournament clock. Amateurs.

So, back to the 3 hands I was able to play. I was in late position and had pocket 2's. At this point the blinds are 50-100. Thats right, didn't play a single hand the first level. UTG raises it to $400 and there is one caller in front of me. I decide to call the raise and see if I get lucky. the BB calls as well. So we go 4 to the flop of A J Q. BB checks and UTG bets out 800. Folds to me and I quickly fold my deuces. The BB calls. A 6 on the turn and they both check. The 2h falls on the river. Damn. Why couldn't they have checked the flop. They both Check. WTF? doesn't anyone know how to play poker anymore? UTG shows A K and rakes the pot as BB shows A 10. Next hand I play is when I'm in the BB. Blinds are still the same 50-100. 4 people limp when I look and find Qc Jh. I check. I'll take a cheap look at the flop. I check in the dark which draws 2 WTF's from the table. Yes, I checked without seeing the flop first assholes! The flop comes Q 10 6 with 2 clubs. Everyone checks. The turn brings a Js. I check and it comes around to the guy in front of the button. He bets out $500. I raise it to $2000. That should be enough to get any draw seekers to fold. Everyone folds except for ol' donkey in seat 3 who initially raised. I figure maybe he is on a flush draw or maybe A Q. Either way I need a harmless card so I know my 2 pair holds up. The 9h falls on the river. I didn't like that card since K Q now beats me. I check and ol donkey in seat 3 checks. He tables pocket 9's for his rivered trips. I just shake my head and say how lucky he was. And of course he retorts with "i was open ended and had a pocket pair, what did you want me to do? I don't know, fold since you were about a 3 to 1 dog on the turn? to which he responds, I had a lot of outs. To which I respond, you are correct sir, enough outs to make you a 3 to 1 underdog and that was that. Nice catch. enjoy my chips.

3 hands later I basically dump the rest of my chips because I was just frustrated at this point with the lack of poker actually being played. I raise from late position to $400 with As Js. UTG calls the $400 and we go to the flop heads up. The flop comes 6 10 2. He checks and I bet out $800. He calls. The turn comes 7d which now brings 2 diamonds on the board. He checks and I mean to go all in but just dump the chips in front of me in the pot and forgot about the $25 chip on my cards. The bet was for $3250. You know, more than whats in the pot. He counts out and calls. doesn't put me all in, just calls. Whatever douche. The river is the 2d. he checks and I put in my last $25 as I'm ready to leave. he calls. He says he missed and I table my A J and he tables Jd 9d. I say nice slow roll. you hit your damn flush jackass. Oh, did I, I didn't realize I had 2 diamonds. You didn't??? The table at this point is all calling the guy a lucky donkey. I say to him, you called $3250 with nothing. To which he replies, "Nothing, I was open ended with a flush draw!" to which I respond, I thought you didn't know you had a flush draw? and you weren't open ended donk, you were drawing to a gutshot. You needed the 8. Even with the turn giving him a flush draw, I was still at 66% to win the hand.

How do these idiots always win? Why can't I just have my hands hold up? I'm not asking for much. I'm just asking for poker skill to actually win out for once. I wan't these idiots to call me. I really do, JUST QUIT PAYING THESE FOOLS OFF!!! It makes them think they are poker players.

From now on, I'll just stick to playing the Venetian in the future. I just can't handle the bad beats anymore. I'm done with Red Rock forever. Nothing against the hotel and casino, I just can't stand the players that play and I'm not that favorable of the dealers as half of them are just assholes or are just incompetent at their jobs. Losen up. You look at your phone and you get the third reich called on you as if you were using it to communicate with the auto shuffler so you know what cards are coming next. If me looking at my phone slows down play, fine, say something, but when I'm not even in the hand, what is me checking my email doing to you? FUCK OFF!!!

sorry this is so negative. Just having a shitty 2 weeks and today didn't help. Getting layed off from the job that you worked at for 7 years will do that to you. The job that I was moving over to ended up just becoming a part time gig for about 2 weeks and that was it as the client I was going to work for ended up falling through. So I'm back to the drawing board. Being 31 and out of work is no fun. Working like I did for the past 7 years to have it flushed down the drain like it did was a drop kick to the abdomen.

I figure everything happens for a reason and that things will work out. So far in my 31 years on this Earth they usually have. Lets just hope that things do.

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