Monday, May 11, 2009

I officially hate $1 - $2

Thats it. I'm done playing $1-$2. I can't take it anymore. I can't handle getting called down with Ace rag and losing to runner runner chasers. Today was just a cruel joke. I have never been deck slapped, no wait, that was too kind of a way to express how cruel a session that was. Let me think. How about the deck just unloaded a case of whoop ass on me today. Instead of being up about $600, I ended my session down $200. I know, not much, but the way it ended and how quickly it ended. I played 20 hands. a little over an hour. and would have been up over $600 in just an hour. Couldn't ask for more when playing $1-$2.

Here is how it starts.

I fold my first 2 hands. I raise to $10 from UTG +1 with QQ. I figure to get at least 3 callers. Hey, its $1-$2, any two cards are good right? not only do I get 3 callers, I get 5. Great. I actually want an Ace or King to hit the flop so I can get out cheap. Nope. board comes 2h 7c 5s. Okay, scary flop with that many people in. Action comes to me and I bet out $40. Folds to the button and he just calls. Everyone else folds. Okay, maybe he has 3 4, or A 7 and thinks i'm just throwing out a continuation bet. I am new to the table and they don't know me here. Turn is a 10c. Not worried about the 10 so I bet out $80. Button just smooth calls. So I figure the donkey has something like 7 10 or 5 10 and turned 2 pair. Board bricks a Jd. I check as I know I'm beat and the button puts in $20. Let me see, $20 into a $300 pot. Who the hell does that? I know i'm beat, but I've put in $130 and I only bought in for $200. I should just push all in, but that would just be throwing away another $50. figure I can play the $50 and see what happens. I just call and the guy decides to slow roll his 2 pair. he wants to see what I was playing. So I politely tell him that I'll show him once he turns over his 2 pair since I was the one who called. he waits and turns over 2 5 off suit. I show my QQ and the guy stands up and claps. I say, "damn, didn't know I was going to be going up against world class players tonight!!" I know, douchebag thing to say, but I know this is the type of player that will donk off his chips within an hour. I say that and so does the guy next to me and of course, the guy ends up blowing through the $300 he just won and he rebuys for another $300 total and goes through that. of course, I get none of it.

So i'm down to my last $50. I managed to take a couple of pots here and there as I just push all in. I get one double up when I get a caller who decided it was good for him to risk half his stack with Q J. I had KK and finally held a hand. So I'm back up to $100. I'm UTG and am dealt Ks Qs. No point in raising so I just call the $2. ends up being 6 people in the limped pot. Flop comes Kc 2h 7 d. Checks to me and I bet out $15. Get 2 callers. Turn is Ac. I bet out $25. Should have checked but thought maybe I would just take it down. Get one call. River is 8d. I check and the caller bets out $20. There is $100 in the pot and i'm getting 5 to 1, but I figure the guy had something like A Q and didn't believe I had the K when he called. I should fold, but figure i'm still steaming about the first hand I played so I make the call. I wait and the guy won't turn over his cards. What the fuck is wrong with people. show your damn cards when you are called down!!!!! I just throw my K Q on the table and the asshole has the nerve to say thats all? and turns over A 2. I have to say I honestly stand up and walk away before I decide to tell the guy what I think about his poker etiquette and his poker skills. I like the dealer and just shoot him a look and leave for 5 minutes.

I come back and the guy is talking shit about how well he played the hand. I decide to chime in and tell him he played it great. Keep playing that way and you'll just blow off your stack. He says, "what, like you have?" the nerve off this prick. I put in my ear buds and just turn up the volume and just stare down at my chips. Which is now down to $40. I keep thinking to myself. I should just take the $40 and call it a night. But damn, I've only played about 45 minutes and don't really want to leave just yet.

go an orbit and get AA and put it all in and get a caller. Board bricks out and I turn over AA and the guy mucks. Says he had JJ. I said, "sure you did." At this point I'm just irritated as hell and just want to steam roll the table.

Then this guy who plays here often, and just gets obnoxiously drunk and plays the most god awful hands and just always hits sits down in seat 3. at least there is a 2 person buffer between us as I can't stand the guy. Figure, he is good for at least one double up as long as I don't get unlucky. of course, that is a big if and the way i'm running, i'm sure to lose to 7 2 or some crap like that.

I'm in the big blind and 4 people limp and I have A K. of course, this is a spot I normally would just check and see a flop and try to get paid off, but I am still steaming and I throw in $15 more. I get 2 callers. Great. Just put A K and lets get this over with. Flop comes 6 K 3 rainbow. There is $57 in the pot and I've only got $120 and realize that no matter what I bet, I will have to go all in on the turn so I ship my stack in the middle. I'm fine with taking down the pot without seeing anymore cards. Well my drunk friend in seat 3, I think I'll just call this guy the mad genius now for his great plays, go's in the tank. I know he has a K with a weak kicker. I know put him on K 7 or some crap like that, of course, K 7 is worth a $15 raise pre-flop. nothing like calling a raise over 7 times the big blind pre flop. He pushes in the $120. I quickly turn over A K as I always show my hands immediately when I know i'm ahead. I'ts a superstitious thing with me. If I hold my cards I just feel i'm going to get sucked out. The mad genius says, "thats what I thought you had." I say, "if thats what you thought I had, why the hell did you call? what does that say about how you play poker?" He shows a K and I say, let me guess, a 7? he doesn't show. the turn is a 5. I'm jus staring at him because I know he is just waiting for a 7. The river is an 8 and he quickly slams the 8 on the table like he made the greatest call of his life.

I shake my head and say, I guess I was right. this table is just too good for me and I get up and leave.

Day's like today just make you wonder about the state of poker. I know everyone is entitled to play whatever they want, but damn. Why do they always have to get paid off?? I'm not even asking to suck out. Just have my hands hold up.

Enough bitching. Just need to catch a better run next time.

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